Sunday, 10 June 2012

10 things on the 10th

It has been a few months since I have posted anything under the title of 10 on the 10th but I thought I would today. Being in a bit of a reflective mood about moving and things that have happened over the last 12 years of our stay here in Stranraer I thought I would try a post about 10 things/places that have been in my life here in Stranraer and significant things in Church life over the last 12 years.

1. Friends - I have made some good friends here (I am not going to name them) and I hope that some, at least, will continue after I move.

2. My house here - I spoke more about that in my previous post - I have been privileged to live in a lovely big house for the last 12 years.

3. Babies and Toddlers Group - one of the first things I was involved in was the setting up of a Babies and Toddlers Group within the church. I am pleased to say that this group is still running and I hope will continue to run for many years.

4. Messy Church - this has been great fun and a real privilege to have been involved in setting it up.

5. I attended college here and got my HNC in Childcare and Education - this then led on to my studying with the OU and getting my degree.

6. The lovely countryside around us - especially Sandhead Beach (and tea room)!!

7. The Ryan Centre - sometimes in the early years it felt like we almost lived there - as the children had so many activities on there - swimming, gymnastics, athletics, cinema, soft play area.

8. Rephad School - the primary school where my children went to, I  was involved with the PTA and now work in the Nursery there.

9. The ferry - Stranraer was a ferry town until late last year when Stena moved up the road to Cairnryan.

10. St Ninians church celebrated its 125th anniversary and we did many wonderful events that year - a pilgrimage to Whithorn (in awful weather), a flower festival.

I have many more memories of the last 12 years but these are just a few that came to mind.

You can see more posts on 10things on the 10th at Shimelle's blog here


Connie Mercer said...

what great memories you have!!!:):)

JulieJ said...

Oh good luck with the move. I had a reflective 10 this month too.

Jane said...

I helped start a baby and toddler group at my church over twenty years ago!

Beverly said...

Those are wonderful memories, I am sure you could write a journal full of them. Good luck in your move :)

Jimjams said...

I've not been to visit before, but came over from Shimelle's - sounds like you have plenty of great memories ... I'm sure you'll make many more once you've moved too.

Jennifer Grace said...

Great list, a nice tribute to how much you've enjoyed living there. I hope you find as many happy memories on the next stage of your journey. x

Anonymous said...

It sounds like the last 12 years have been very blessed for you and a wonderful time. Good Luck with the move and what all the exciting new things it will bring!

Charis said...

I've never been to Stranraer but it sounds like you've had a good home there. Good luck with your move!

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