Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Duck at Christmas

As a fund raiser at work we were selling ducks and you had to take photos of your duck in lots of different places.

Here is my Duck at Christmas!

Christmas Photos

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. We had a lovely day, here are a few photos of our fun.

You are never too old to play in a box!!

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

A Pause in Advent 4

Sorry I missed last week's Pause in Advent - I have been really busy and have the cold as well! I am finding this Christmas harder to get organised for as it is the first one in a long time that I have been working every day. Note to self - start preparing in November next year!

I wanted to share this poem with you today.

Light looked down on darkness
Darkness everywhere
Light said 'I will go there'
Where light does not show
Darkness abounds, in all the world below
Light came in at Christmas
So we all would know.

Peace looked down on warfare
Fighting everywhere
Peace said 'I will go there'
To battle, death and woe
Conflict abounds in all the world below
Peace came in at Christmas
So we all would know.

Love looked down on hatred
Hatred everywhere
Love said 'I will go there'
To hate, disgust and fear
Emnity abound, in all the world below
Love came in at Christmas
So we all would know

So the Lord of Light, the Prince of Peace came in
Silently he crept in, to this world of ours
Crept in beside us, the gracious King of Love
Humbly we adore him
Jesus Christ our Lord.

You can find more posts on Pause in Advent here. A big thank you to Angela for hosting this year.

Sunday, 7 December 2014

A Pause in Advent 2- Peace

Thinking about peace today as it is the second Sunday in Advent. I hadn't heard this song before until someone posted it on Facebook, so I thought I would share it with you.

Peace is something we would all like - I wonder what you think of when we say the word. As I write this the wind is howling outside and there have been snow flurries today - not exactly a peaceful night! God has promised us peace - but His peace is not necessarily an absence of trouble, or worries, or howling winds - it is his presence with us in these situations which bring us the peace.

Despite our busy, hectic lives we can have God's peace with us.

This is part of A Pause in Advent, which is being hosted this year by Angela, why not pop over to her blog here and read some of the other posts.
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