Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Meet the Nuts!

At our prayers at work this week, we were thinking about how as Christians we do things that others may consider strange. We often think and do things that are different from the way the world thinks and acts. To help us remember this we made these nut people, which I thought were rather cute.

Another thing I learned was that I really need a hot glue gun - I do not know how I have managed all these years of crafting without one - my husband can't believe that there is a bit of craft equipment that I don't have!!

So do you have a glue gun and do you find it helpful?


Melissa said...

Oh yes, I have two glue guns . . . definitely put that on your Christmas wish list! :>)

Kezzie said...

I have one and I am too scared to use it! Always been terrified of hot crafting tools! x

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