Thursday, 23 October 2014

Review - One little Word

You might remember this post from back in January when I chose my word for the year and signed up for Ali Edwards One Little Word project. As the year is starting to draw to a close I thought I should perhaps update you. I wasn't really getting to grips with my word (which was Strengthen), so in March/April time I changed it to the word GROW, which seemed to fit better with what my intentions were for the year.

In some areas I have managed this well and in others not so. I certainly have not managed to keep up with Ali's project, despite buying folders etc.

My main area in which I feel my word has applied so far this year has been in my job, which I started in May. I am now working almost full-time for The Salvation Army and really enjoying it. It does take up a lot more of my time and so other things (like crafting) have had to take a bit of a back seat. It has taken me time to get used to working every day again, which I have not done for a good few years! I feel my work is enabling me to grow in many ways, which is good.

I have completed several knitting projects, which I have still to photo and blog about. My stash of wool has also grown this year - oops!

One area in which I have not done so well is healthy eating and exercise - so need to do something about that!

If you chose a word for the year how are you doing so far?


Fishcake_random said...

I like the idea of choosing a word for the year. I will pop a note in diary for next year and join in.
We want to make next year a big year of setting up towards self sufficiency so it would work well to keep us focused hopefully.
Look forward to seeing the knitting too
X x

Melissa said...

A new job often provides opportunities for growth as it sounds like it has for you. I've focused a lot on my health this year and feel good about my progress. I've also enjoyed focusing on my word FUN & have kept up fairly well with Ali's class. There's still time this year to make a little progress with our words!!

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