Monday, 9 September 2013

Learn Something New Week 1

I decided to be sensible and realistic - there was no way I was going to blog something new for every day for the whole month, so I decided to do a post once a week about some things I learned that week. This post was supposed to be done yesterday but ...

The first thing I learned this week I don't have a photo for - but I really need to get myself organised again - with up to date diary system and a to do list, and also to actually programme time into the week for crafting and not feel bad about it.

It was sunny again this past week, (well some days), so I went along to St Andrew Square for my lunch, which is where I took this photo. I learned that it is good to be able to get out and to sit in a nice place with flowers.

I reminded myself that I am lucky to have a job when so many don't. It might not the job I would like or that challenges me very much, but it is a job. So a photo of my desk.

This plant used to live in the study at home but just grew and grew until it got too big, so I have taken it into the office where it is thriving. The lesson - sometimes you have to move things or let them go to enable them to survive and grow.

These next two photos are along similar lines - we took John back to St Andrews for his second year at University. This year he is sharing a house with 3 other blokes. So the next step for him on his road through life. And me - well I didn't actually cry this year when we left him, but it still feels a bit strange leaving him, but I am more sure he will cope this year, after all he managed last year!

 This next photo was a lovely surprise - some lovely bits and pieces through the mail from Bernice. Just what I need to inspire me to get crafting again on my 12 months in view, now that we are in Autumn. Thanks Bernice.

This last one is a lovely prayer that I received as part of the Prayer Swap at HeArt and Soul forum. It is now hanging up on my pin board. It is good to have online friends.

So that's a few of the things I have learned this past week - have you learned anything you would like to share?


Melissa said...

Great recap of your week & its lessons. I especially like ... sometimes you have to move things or let them go to enable them to survive and grow ... I had a similar lesson about it requiring effort to move things that are stuck in a rut.

Maria Ontiveros said...

What a sensible approach. I'm posting every few days. And I'm only shooting for 25 lessons, instead of 29.

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