Tuesday, 19 February 2013

A Pause in Lent Week 1

OK so how come it is Lent already, wasnt it just Christmas last week??? Anyway I am joining in again with a Pause in Lent which is hosted by Floss. This year it is suggested that we look at some lines from a William Ward poem Fast From - Feast On.

The two lines which spoke to me this week are:

Fast from problems that overwhelm: Feast on prayer that strengthens
Fast from worry: Feast on divine order.

We get the keys to our new house on Friday this week and work will hopefully start on Monday in the kitchen and the decorating, so these two lines seemed very appropriate for me as I can feel the tension and anxiety levels starting to rise again. I need to remind myself that God is in control, and has been with us throughout this whole time. Prayer really is the answer to problems. If you have never tried praying then I would urge you to try it this Lent season.

Why not pop over to Floss's blog and catch up with some other thoughts for Lent.


Unknown said...

Praying that everything goes smoothly for you.

magsmcc said...

Oh my goodness, Fiona. I can't believe this! I have chosen exactly those two lines this week, exactly because we are just at the very start of the moving house process. Thank you enormously for the huge amount of encouragement that I find in your words x

Angela said...

Thanks for this lovely post. I just got home after a fraught afternoon, and preparing for a busy evening...your reminder to take it to the Lord in Prayer was SO appropriate. He is Sovereign, and He is in control.

Blessings as you sort out your new home! xx

Maria Ontiveros said...

These are great lines!
Maybe I'll pop over to Floss' blog. I do like to bring spirituality into my art journaling.

Unknown said...

Did I not comment when I first read this? Sorry, I thought I had.

Hope you are coping well with yet another move and things are calming down a little. 'Pray' sounds so simple and it so often the thing we do last rather than first. Thanks for the reminder.

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