Friday, 12 November 2010

At last

my builders have arrived! We have been waiting on them coming since June, but they have finally started. We are not really getting anything major done just lots of little things - which still seem to be causing a lot of disruption. Our bedroom has rising damp which they have to fix, window frames need replaced and painting need done. The windows are on the third floor so scaffolding is needed! The scaffolding went up on Wednesday, but nothing else done yet - I hope it is only because of the high winds and that they will be back on Monday. We emptied our bedroom of everything (luckily we have a large house) and yesterday they came to take the plaster off the wall and fix the damp - again hopefully they are coming back on Monday to replaster the wall. We are in a right mess at the moment.

Amidst all this our church held its first ever Messy Church . This is church with a difference - held not on a Sunday, but on a Saturday morning, it is aimed at families worshipping together by doing crafts, games, songs and stories and of course food!! Our theme was Creation and we made butterflies, animal masks, stained glass windows, bookmarks and planted bulbs. It was very well attended with lots of the mums from Toddler coming (and even bringing the dads). But one think I forgot was to take my camera! Roll on the next one - Messy Christmas.


scrappyjacky said...

The messy church sounds like a wonderful idea.
Good luck with the renovations.

humel said...

I hope things are a bit tidier and more sorted with you now!

We do Messy Church - it's been very successful, and is a lovely addition to our regular worship :-)

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